Interview with ARA Newspaper

Within the last month I was approached via email by a freelance Spanish journalist for an article she was writing about doodlebombs. I agreed to be interviewed and responded to her questions  and sent her several high res images of some of the magazine covers I have drawn over. The article appeared in Ara, a daily Catalan newspaper, and also featured Ana Strumpf and Lucas Levitan. The questions ranged from: “when and why did you start remaking magazine covers?”; “is it for fun or is it for professional reasons?”; “what is a doodle-bomb?”; “name some favorite artists” and “is there a message behind your doodlebombs?” Two of my images were used as thumbnails in the article and my quotes were sprinkled about with the other artists. It was a big thrill to be interviewed by Laura Sangrá for Ara.

Two page spread from ARA-CAT

Two page spread from ARA-CAT

In a nutshell for those who do not read Catalan; I doodlebomb for fun and creative expression, but would welcome the opportunity to bomb a cover professionally. I love so many artists; Andy Warhol has always been my favorite and probably always will be. My doodlebombs are a longing to see fun and fab illustration in a sea of photography on the magazine stand. Everyone should find a magazine, pick up a marker and start drawing–it’s alot of fun!

Pamela Anderson Doodlebomb NoTofu magazine.

My Pamela Anderson Doodlebomb on NoTofu.

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