Week 1: Draw 21 Days Challenge

Illustrative designer Von Glitschka threw down the graphite gauntlet with his 21 day drawing challenge. The first day was easy peasy–draw a cat–done!

Day 1: Draw a cat.

Day 1: Draw a cat.

Day 2 was a bit more complicated. The challenge was to draw continuous line drawings of five specific things: a smiling face, a hand holding a soda bottle, a dog running and a man on a unicycle. I liked the continuous line challenge because it makes you think about how to “design” your drawing in order to not lift your pen off the paper.

Day 2: Continuous line drawings.

Day 2: Continuous line drawings.

Day 3 was a fun drawing exercise called “draw what you see.” Participants downloaded a page of squiggles and were instructed to draw what they see, much like the way we “see” shapes when we looks at clouds.

Day 3: Draw what you see.

Day 3: Draw what you see.

Day 4 was draw your non-dominant hand in 5 different styles (this was a tough one for me), and on Day 5 we were asked to pick from a list of subject matter; I chose Bigfoot. As I kept drawing bigfoot I realized I needed something other than just big feet so I gave him Kiss style boots.

Day 4: Hands.

Day 4: Hands.

Day 5: Bigfoot.

Day 5: Bigfoot.

Week 2 is off and running with new challenges from Von Glitschka. You can check out the Vonster’s website: Glitschka Studios or follow him on twitter: @vonster.

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